Heather  Keene

Office: 270-401-4664270-401-4664
Heather Keen is a REALTOR who prides herself in providing quality service for her clients. Real Estate is a field based on relationship building and caring about our clients needs, whether it's a $6000 dollar lot or a $6 million dollar commercial property. Heather is a life long resident of Larue County and Hardin County. She received her real estate license through courses at Western Kentucky. Prior to becoming a REALTOR she managed a large rental company with 6 entities. Within the first year she was able to double profits and increase the purchase of additional rental units. Heather has extensive knowledge as a buyers/sellers agent when it comes to investing, developing, expanding, relocating, and marketing. Heather specialized in commercial and residential properties in Hardin County and all surrounding areas. Heather has truly been blessed with the best clients!
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